Thursday, March 26, 2009

this weeks bird report for algonquin park

Subject: Algonquin Park birding update: 26 March 2009
From: Ron Tozer
Date: Thu, 26 Mar 2009 16:50:44 -0400

Snow in many off-trail areas is still knee-deep.
On cold days you can walk anywhere on top of
the crust, but you will break through during
milder weather without snowshoes.

Here are some sightings from the past week:

Wild Turkey: same two still in the Two Rivers
Store area on March 25 and 26.

Red-tailed Hawk: 1 near Peck Lake on March 21.

Spruce Grouse: Male and female on Spruce Bog
Boardwalk on March 20; a male northeast of
the gate on Opeongo Road on March 21; and one
north of the culvert (on the east side) on March 22.

American Three-toed Woodpecker: No reports
received this week.

Black-backed Woodpecker: One on north side of Highway
60 across from West Gate parking lot on March 20, and
a pair on utility poles at km 8 on March 21.

Gray Jay: Opeongo Road, and Spruce Bog.

Boreal Chickadee: Three along Opeongo Road, and two
at Spruce Bog parking lot during the week.

Pine Grosbeak: Single female at Vistitor Centre to March
21, and a small flock flying over Spruce Bog on March 22.
They may be all gone by now.

Purple Finch: Single males at West Gate and Visitor Centre
feeders on March 21. First of the winter.

Red Crossbill: Two at Spruce Bog parking lot, and 2 or 3
near Kearney Lake on March 20; and two in Visitor Centre
parking lot on March 22.

White-winged Crossbill: Five along straight northern stretch
of Opeongo Road on March 22. Virtually all gone, it appears.

Common Redpoll: Still 1 at Visitor Centre feeder on March 25.

Pine Siskin: 30+ at Visitor Centre feeders.

Evening Grosbeak: 15+ at Visitor Centre feeders all week.
Three at Spruce Bog parking lot on March 22.

Pine Marten: Being seen at Mew Lake Campground refuse
containers, Visitor Centre feeders, Spruce Bog parking lot,
and eating sunflower seed at gate area on Opeongo Road.

New arrivals this week included: Sharp-shinned Hawk,
and Killdeer.

Arowhon Road and Rock Lake Road are now closed
to public travel due to muddy spring melt conditions.

Cross-country ski trails will be closed for the season,
as of March 27.

Please report your Algonquin sightings to me (including
date, number and location) for our park records. Thanks.

Good birding.

Ron Tozer
Algonquin Park Naturalist (retired)

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