Friday, April 10, 2009

Algonquin Park Bird report

Here are some sightings from the past week:

Wild Turkey: Same two still in the Two Rivers
Store area this week.

Spruce Grouse: Male at Spruce Bog Boardwalk, about
100 m north of the register box on April 5.

Bald Eagle: An adult over Highway 60 near Centennial
Ridges Road on April 9.

Black-backed Woodpecker: One 200 m north of the
culvert on Opeongo Road on April 5.

Gray Jay: Opeongo Road, and Spruce Bog Boardwalk.

Boreal Chickadee: One on Spruce Bog Boardwalk
just past the first boardwalk on April 5.

Common Redpoll: big flock at the Visitor Centre
feeder this week. Several along highway and Opeongo

Hoary Redpoll: One at Visitor Centre feeder on April 4.

Pine Siskin: 30+ at Visitor Centre feeders.

Evening Grosbeak: 5+ at Visitor Centre feeders all week.

New arrivals this week included: Common Goldeneye,
Northern Flicker.

Arowhon Road and Rock Lake Road are now closed
to public travel due to muddy spring melt conditions.

Whiskey Rapids Trail is closed due to flooding on the
Oxtongue River section.

Please report your Algonquin sightings to me (including
date, number and location) for our park records. Thanks.

Good birding.

Ron Tozer
Algonquin Park Naturalist (retired)
Dwight, Ontario

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